This variety of blond orange is among the oldest of the Riviera dei gelsomini and is distinguished by its clean, delicate flavor and a very low level of acidity. It is excellent especially as a table orange, its very fragrant aroma also makes it suitable for the creation of sweets and candied fruit.
Usage and storage tips
It is the typical blond table orange, good to eat and easy to peel, from which you can also get excellent and tasty orange and fennel salads. Its peel, rich in essential oils, can be used to make candied peels to use in the preparation of desserts
The fruit
- The peel is orange in colour with a finely papillated surface, thickness and thin albedo.
- The pulp is blond in color with light orange veins, more or less intense. Very rich in juice. Contains very few seeds.
- Average weight: 150 - 190 g (about 5/7 oranges for each kg)
Ripening period
April / June
The "digital supply chain" is a model of sustainability
Ours is a digital model that does not only mean getting directly from the producer to the consumer, but a way of doing things that has an impact on our sustainability and on the quality of the products that we manage to bring to your table. You will feel the difference!
Sustainable for the environment
Avoiding remunerating all the intermediate steps of the traditional supply chain (often only commercial) helps to make the price to the consumer more transparent and allows the farm to allocate the right resources to practice sustainable agriculture.
Social and cultural sustainability
The digital supply chain has a concrete impact on the territory, not only economically! It means being able to provide work for (logistics, social media, marketing, etc.), but also having links with institutions, associations, people to whom we turn to communicate our model with educational, social or pure entertainment activities ( see HERE ).
Sustainability for the farm
Skipping the intermediate steps also means having direct contact with the customer trying to explain what the value of your product is, which being 100% organic sometimes is not perfect on the outside but it is on the inside. This also helps to minimize waste (i.e. the non-perfect products that the GDO would throw away)
Sustainability for the consumer
It allows access to quality products at the right price, with greater guarantees. The customer "looks in the face" directly those who have sweated to produce and those who put in the effort every day to produce have every interest in having a satisfied customer. All this is now impossible in the "impersonal" model of the GDO
Short supply chain is synonymous with freshness and quality that can be perceived between a fruit that arrives at your home within 48 hours of harvesting ripened in the sun of the Riviera dei Gelsomini instead of the 5/7 days of a fruit harvested a little later in ripening to last longer than the traditional supply chain
Fresh and perfectly ripe products
Our products are picked fresh and above all naturally ripened in the sun of the Riviera dei Gelsomini: you will taste the flavour!
Seasonal Fruits and Typical Local Varieties
We have decided to recover old varieties that have now been commercially abandoned in favor of standardized ones that are more suitable for large-scale retail trade processing, often to the detriment of the taste and quality of the products.